Bibliographic citations
Hayayumi, M., (2017). Efecto de la concentración de extracto de jengibre (zingiber officinale R.) y la proporción azúcar: miel de abeja: glucosa sobre el contenido de polifenoles, firmeza, dulzor y aceptabilidad general de caramelos de goma [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Hayayumi, M., Efecto de la concentración de extracto de jengibre (zingiber officinale R.) y la proporción azúcar: miel de abeja: glucosa sobre el contenido de polifenoles, firmeza, dulzor y aceptabilidad general de caramelos de goma [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Efecto de la concentración de extracto de jengibre (zingiber officinale R.) y la proporción azúcar: miel de abeja: glucosa sobre el contenido de polifenoles, firmeza, dulzor y aceptabilidad general de caramelos de goma",
author = "Hayayumi Valdivia, Maria Luisa",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The effects of four concentration levels of ginger extract and six proportions of sugar: honey: glucose; over the total content of polyphenols, firmness, sweetness and general acceptability of jelly candies were evaluated. The jelly candies were made with different proportions of sugar: honey: glucose, and ginger extract, which was obtained by a juice extractor and diluted with water at 25, 41.7, 58.3 and 75%. The polyphenol content was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent method, the instrumental evaluation of firmness was performed with an INSTRON texturometer, Model 3342; while sweetness and overall acceptability were measured with a hedonic scale of nine points. The results of polyphenol content and firmness were analyzed by a simple Lattice mixtures design. Variables were fitted to a quadratic mathematical model indicating that the concentration of ginger extract and proportions of sugars used have a significant effect on jelly candies. Mathematical models had a high coefficient of determination (R 2 >0.87%). The best treatment had ginger extract at 41.7% and 27.5% sugar, 27.5% honey and 10% glucose, containing 168.08mg of Gallic acid / 100g sample and 1.3 N of firmness. The Friedman Test determined the significant effect of the extract concentration and proportions of sweeteners over the acceptability of sweetness and overall acceptability, where the best treatment was rated with moderate likeness in both sensory tests.
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