Bibliographic citations
Mendoza, J., Ramos, C. (2017). Cumplimiento del principio de fehaciencia y su incidencia tributaria en la Empresa Gongrer. S.A.C.T. Trujillo año 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Mendoza, J., Ramos, C. Cumplimiento del principio de fehaciencia y su incidencia tributaria en la Empresa Gongrer. S.A.C.T. Trujillo año 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Cumplimiento del principio de fehaciencia y su incidencia tributaria en la Empresa Gongrer. S.A.C.T. Trujillo año 2016",
author = "Ramos Merino, Cesar Wilfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The principle of fehaciencia Is used to determine, the truth of an economic operation is this cost, Expenditure or investment with an impact on the determination of income tax. In order to comply with this principle, formal aspects must be taken into account; Such as: quotes, purchase orders, service orders, proforma, supporting documentation, among others. The objective of the investigation is to demonstrate how the principle of faith affects the reduction of the payment of Tribute in the transport company Gongrer S.A.C. District Trujillo, year 2016. This study is based on an applied research; Since it uses existing theories and knowledge applied to the concrete problem of the company. Taking as a design, the quasi-experimental because there is a before and after to apply the hypothesis. By means of the analysis the relation of the variables has been established; The statistical, are the result of the application of instruments as an observation guide and record sheet (the financial statements for the period 2016), developing on a vertical analysis and financial ratios. Determining that the company as of December 31, 2016 has a S /. 91,626,60. Finally, the application of the principle of reliability has brought with it the reduction of the payment of taxes and greater utility to the transport company Gongrer S.A.C district Trujillo, year 2016. Therefore, this measure seeks to increase revenue collection in order to avoid tax evasion.
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