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Tuesta, H., (2017). Estudio de factores asociados a preeclampsia y su relación con hipertension postparto [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Tuesta, H., Estudio de factores asociados a preeclampsia y su relación con hipertension postparto [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Estudio de factores asociados a preeclampsia y su relación con hipertension postparto",
author = "Tuesta Medina, Hector Paul",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
Title: Estudio de factores asociados a preeclampsia y su relación con hipertension postparto
Authors(s): Tuesta Medina, Hector Paul
Advisor(s): Deza Huanes, Pedro
Keywords: Hipertension; Periodo Postparto
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2017
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: Determinar si los factores: prematuridad del recién nacido, antecedentes de
trastornos hipertensivos, obesidad y diabetes pregestacional o gestacional; asociados a
preeclampsia, están relacionados con Hipertensión postparto.
Materiales y Métodos. 60 pacientes preeclámpticas que dieron a luz en el Hospital Belén
de Trujillo fueron incluidas en este estudio de cohortes prospectivo. Se obtuvieron sus datos
como edad, severidad de la preeclampsia, exposición o no a factores como: recién nacido
prematuro, antecedente de preeclampsia / historia familiar de hipertensión arterial, obesidad
y diabetes pregestacional o gestacional. Luego se evaluaron los niveles de presión arterial
en el puerperio.
Resultados. La edad promedio de la serie total fue 27,95 ± 7,973 años (rango: 15 - 45 años).
La frecuencia de preeclampsia leve fue 2 (11,8%) y 15 (88,2%) casos, y de preeclampsia
severa fue 28 (65,1%) y 15 (34,9%) casos, para los grupos expuestos y no expuesto
respectivamente (p < 0,05). El grupo de pacientes preeclámpticas con factores asociados
presentó una mayor frecuencia de hipertensión postparto comparada con aquellas
preeclámpticas sin factores asociados (70,6% vs 29,4% respectivamente; p = 0,045).
Conclusiones. Las gestantes preeclámpticas que padecieron además con alguno de los
cuatro factores asociados investigados, tuvieron 2,4 veces más riesgo de padecer
hipertensión postparto, respecto del grupo no expuesto.
To determine if the factors: prematurity of the newborn, history of hypertensive disorders, obesity and pregestational or gestational diabetes; associated with preeclampsia, are related to Postpartum hypertension. Materials and Methods. 60 preeclamptic patients who deliver at the Hospital Belén de Trujillo were included in this propective cohort study. We obtained data such as age, severity of preeclampsia, exposure to factors such as: preterm newborn, preeclampsia history / family history of hypertension, obesity and pregestational or gestational diabetes. Blood pressure levels were then evaluated in the Postpartum period. Results. The mean age of the total series was 27,95 ± 7,973 years (range: 15 - 45 years). The frequency of mild preeclampsia was 2 (11,8%) and 15 (88,2%) cases, and severe preeclampsia was 28 (65,1%) and 15 (34,9%) cases, for the groups exposed and not exposed respectively (p < 0,05). The group of preeclamptic patients with associated factors presented a highr frequency of Postpartum hypertension compared to preeclamptic without associated factors (70,6% vs 29,4% respectively; p = 0,045) Conclusion. Preeclamptic women who suffered from any of the four associated factors investigated were 2.4 times more likely to suffer from postpartum hypertension than the nonexposed group. “
To determine if the factors: prematurity of the newborn, history of hypertensive disorders, obesity and pregestational or gestational diabetes; associated with preeclampsia, are related to Postpartum hypertension. Materials and Methods. 60 preeclamptic patients who deliver at the Hospital Belén de Trujillo were included in this propective cohort study. We obtained data such as age, severity of preeclampsia, exposure to factors such as: preterm newborn, preeclampsia history / family history of hypertension, obesity and pregestational or gestational diabetes. Blood pressure levels were then evaluated in the Postpartum period. Results. The mean age of the total series was 27,95 ± 7,973 years (range: 15 - 45 years). The frequency of mild preeclampsia was 2 (11,8%) and 15 (88,2%) cases, and severe preeclampsia was 28 (65,1%) and 15 (34,9%) cases, for the groups exposed and not exposed respectively (p < 0,05). The group of preeclamptic patients with associated factors presented a highr frequency of Postpartum hypertension compared to preeclamptic without associated factors (70,6% vs 29,4% respectively; p = 0,045) Conclusion. Preeclamptic women who suffered from any of the four associated factors investigated were 2.4 times more likely to suffer from postpartum hypertension than the nonexposed group. “
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Discipline: Medicina Humana
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grade or title: Médico Cirujano
Register date: 24-May-2017
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