Bibliographic citations
Wilson, D., (2013). Implementación de un sistema informático web para la gestión de compras de la empresa CERTICOM S.A.C. usando la metodología ICONIX y Frameworks Spring, h¿Hibernate y RichFaces [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Wilson, D., Implementación de un sistema informático web para la gestión de compras de la empresa CERTICOM S.A.C. usando la metodología ICONIX y Frameworks Spring, h¿Hibernate y RichFaces [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2013.
title = "Implementación de un sistema informático web para la gestión de compras de la empresa CERTICOM S.A.C. usando la metodología ICONIX y Frameworks Spring, h¿Hibernate y RichFaces",
author = "Wilson Carbajal, Dennis Martín",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2013"
This thesis is developed under the framework of the problematic reality CERTICOM SAC company, has an area of logistics, unfolding inefficiently, because currently do manually, generating slow to approve purchase orders, slow to exploit information on purchase orders and data duplication errors to bring the information manually, having the need to adopt an automated information system to streamline its procurement process. Given this arises as a technological solution is the implementation of a Web Information System which uses the following frameworks Spring, Hibernate and Richfaces, as well as the use of agile methodology as Iconix and as a design tool Enterprise Architect. Faced with this problematic arose web develop a computer system that will increase efficiency and effectiveness in the procurement process, saving time in the recording and processing of information, also have better control of information to assist decision making, and so, as CERTICOM SAC, will be at the forefront with technology to meet the needs of its customers.
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