Bibliographic citations
García, J., Ayala, J. (2013). Diseño de un sistema automatizado para la mejora en la etapa de filtrado de sólidos de agua sanguaza en la Corporación Pesquera COPEINCA S.A.C. - planta Chimbote [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
García, J., Ayala, J. Diseño de un sistema automatizado para la mejora en la etapa de filtrado de sólidos de agua sanguaza en la Corporación Pesquera COPEINCA S.A.C. - planta Chimbote [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2013.
title = "Diseño de un sistema automatizado para la mejora en la etapa de filtrado de sólidos de agua sanguaza en la Corporación Pesquera COPEINCA S.A.C. - planta Chimbote",
author = "Ayala Huarca, José Lucio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2013"
This report presents an investigation regarding water purification system used for pumping fish from boats to plant, focusing on the step of filtering solids, making the process more efficient, using the tools of electronic engineering in the COPEINCA fishing company located in the city of Chimbote. The problem focuses in that there is a volume of water that is pumped from flat (fixed boat at 3000 from the shore) to stop sending the fish remaining in the underwater pipeline at each discharge, which do not exceed the permitted levels, however the process filters all water regardless of the condition generating costs in the following stages of water purification. Another condition of the problem is that filters work longer than necessary to filter water with high concentration of solids, as there is no control of volume to filter water, consuming more energy and generating desgate in equipment and maintenance by plant part. As an alternative of solution we proposed automating this process which includes the installation of three control loops: Loop of concentration control. Loop of level control. Loop of flow control. These three loops will allow the following: Determine if the pumped water should be filtered or not according to the concentration levels. The automatic power of the pumps filtration system will depend on water levels determined with the level sensors. Also the amount of trommel filters to use will depend on the measured flow. Finally we obtained the complete system design that enable an operation more efficient in the equipments and the necessary energy
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