Bibliographic citations
Gutierrez, A., (2014). El análisis de estados financieros de la Caja Trujillo para mejorar la toma de decisiones gerenciales [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Gutierrez, A., El análisis de estados financieros de la Caja Trujillo para mejorar la toma de decisiones gerenciales [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2014.
title = "El análisis de estados financieros de la Caja Trujillo para mejorar la toma de decisiones gerenciales",
author = "Gutierrez Martinez, Andres Salvador",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2014"
The development of the present investigation aims to demonstrate that the analysis of the financial statements in the Caja Trujillo, allows you to significantly improve managerial decision making, establishing the degree of incidence in the use on the part of managers, and executives in managerial decision making to provide for in large part the financial problems that are presented in Caja Trujillo, such as: Lack of liquidity, portfolio recovery, low margins, among others, and therefore its sustained growth and orderly and determine that the analysis of the Financial Statements of the Caja Trujillo 2010 - 2011 has allowed us to determine the financial situation of the company. For the purpose of this investigation, given the nature of the study, the unit of analysis was composed of the population of managers of the top management involved with decision-making within the Caja Trujillo, in order to obtain information on all aspects related to the research, the analysis was made of the financial statements, policy reports and information of the adjuvant Trujillo Box that we disclose information of the variables under study (Manual of Organization and roles, policies, and other), bibliographic information (books, texts, thesis, work of professional experience, monographs, etc. ); as well as the various aspects related to the investigation. The majority of managers surveyed agree that know and use financial ratios, and that this information is compiled monthly in the Caja Trujillo. Respondents believe that the decision-making with these tools is carried out primarily to meet major operations and that the knowledge of financial information is essential for a better decision-making in the growth of the business and that the overall balance and the State of results are the main financial tools that are available. As such, the present work shows that the analysis of the financial statements in the Caja Trujillo , allows significantly improve managerial decision making by the degree of incidence on the use by the managers and directors and determine that the analysis of the Financial Statements of the Caja Trujillo 2010 - 2011.
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