Bibliographic citations
Visconde, J., (2013). Descripción del manejo agronómico del cultivo del palto (Persea americana L.) bajo el reglamento técnico de la producción orgánica [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Visconde, J., Descripción del manejo agronómico del cultivo del palto (Persea americana L.) bajo el reglamento técnico de la producción orgánica [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2013.
title = "Descripción del manejo agronómico del cultivo del palto (Persea americana L.) bajo el reglamento técnico de la producción orgánica",
author = "Visconde Chujutalli, Jorge Emilio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2013"
The aim of this thesis was to determine the technical, legal, environmental and economic benefits by an association dedicated to the production of organic avocado. The formulation of this thesis reflects a process of scientific research, to evaluate the benefits from a technical, social, economic, organizational, legal and environmental perspective. We have developed research and evaluation of each of the aspects in order to respond to the problem For analysis of the benefits obtained by organic production based on a technical regulation, it has been used by the research team, primary information, which corresponded to individual interviews with different groups of farmers and partners who are registered in the PROPALTO association. These interviews were intended to collect primary information. Was used simultaneously to collect secondary data demographics referring to the study population. With both sources properly processed findings, expectations and opinions of the partners of PROPALTO was determined. With this thesis is releasing some of the benefits you have for organic production system based on a given by the Peruvian state regulation. Thus answers to the problem and confirming the hypothesis that there were technical, legal, economic benefits in organic production that is in harmony with the environment, respecting cultural, social and demographic integrity of the area surrounding it.
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