Bibliographic citations
Avalos, J., Tarrillo, E. (2015). Aplicación de la carta de control interno y su efecto en la gestión de la Empresa 3A S.A. de la Ciudad de Trujillo –2015 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Avalos, J., Tarrillo, E. Aplicación de la carta de control interno y su efecto en la gestión de la Empresa 3A S.A. de la Ciudad de Trujillo –2015 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2015.
title = "Aplicación de la carta de control interno y su efecto en la gestión de la Empresa 3A S.A. de la Ciudad de Trujillo –2015",
author = "Tarrillo Deza, Elita",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2015"
This research aims to make knowledge the deficiencies in the company 3A SA and in turn make recommendations and strategies so that they can be remedied. The main objective was to demonstrate that the implementation of the charter of internal control contributes to improving the management of the company 3A SA city of Trujillo -2015. The problem is to evaluate the effect of the implementation of the charter of internal control in the management of the company, determining the hypothesis that the implementation of the charter of internal control contribute to the improvement of the management of the company. The population is made up of all work areas that make up the company 3A SA considering that the company is small; the sample consists of all work areas of the company. The type of research according to the intended purpose was applied and according to the technique of contrasting explanatory was also the techniques used were the interview, questionnaire, observation guide, document analysis guide. Through the research has achieved results which show that the correct implementation of the charter of internal control applied to the company and at the same time lifting the offer recommendations in this document it contributes to improving the management of the 3A SA company.
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