Bibliographic citations
Ato, B., (2015). El consumo de bebidas alcohólicas como factor asociado a la depresión en estudiantes de medicina UPAO-Trujillo en el 2014 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Ato, B., El consumo de bebidas alcohólicas como factor asociado a la depresión en estudiantes de medicina UPAO-Trujillo en el 2014 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2015.
title = "El consumo de bebidas alcohólicas como factor asociado a la depresión en estudiantes de medicina UPAO-Trujillo en el 2014",
author = "Ato Quispe, Brenda Margarita",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2015"
To determine whether alcohol drink is a factor associated with depression in medical students UPAO - Trujillo in 2014. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a, analytical retrospective correlational no experimental study of cases and controls, which evaluated 68 students who were between 18 and 25 years, while 34 of them were the case group and the other 34 were the group controls . RESULTS: In the population studied 32 (47.04%) were females and 36 (52.96%) male. On average age of students was 21.5 years, ranging from 18- 25 years, earning a higher prevalence in the age group between 22 and 23 years (44.1%). By observing the consumption of alcoholic beverages by gender was found to be higher in males (52.96%) than in women (47.04%). The level of risk premium in this study according to the odds ratio is 3.968, which means that these youth are 4 times more exposed than others. CONCLUSIONS: There relationship between alcohol consumption and depression, with males more likely regarding the consumption of alcohol.
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