Bibliographic citations
Armas, D., Luna, J. (2015). El Incumplimiento del presupuesto participativo basado en resultados y su influencia en la programación y ejecución del presupuesto público de inversiones en la Municipalidad Distrital de Agallpampa, Provincia de Otuzco, del año 2014 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Armas, D., Luna, J. El Incumplimiento del presupuesto participativo basado en resultados y su influencia en la programación y ejecución del presupuesto público de inversiones en la Municipalidad Distrital de Agallpampa, Provincia de Otuzco, del año 2014 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2015.
title = "El Incumplimiento del presupuesto participativo basado en resultados y su influencia en la programación y ejecución del presupuesto público de inversiones en la Municipalidad Distrital de Agallpampa, Provincia de Otuzco, del año 2014",
author = "Luna Medina, José Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2015"
This research is based on development of Participatory Budgeting at as a tool for decision making in the allocation and execution of the budget of the Investment Agallpampa District Municipality and comprises a progressive development of the different stages that start from the bibliography and document review of the municipality to the processing of data from field, processing and analysis of the results that integrate all variables according to the problem. Among the objectives, it has been scheduled to determine the failure of participatory budgeting based on results (PPBR) and their influence on the planning and implementation of investments Agallpampa District Municipality, in order to determine whether there is a good development the methodology for organizing PPBR phases as well as the implementation of priority projects in the formalization and incorporated in the institutional budget opening (PIA). The work study was conducted using technical document analysis and verification tool tab. As has also been obtained as main results, the methodology PPBR process is inefficient and as a conclusion it is determined that poor planning programming and implementation of public investment projects.
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