Bibliographic citations
Bermúdez, F., Cabrera, L. (2014). Diseño del sistema de control interno en el área de ventas para mejorar la gestión comercial en la empresa Quimipiel S.A.C., distrito de la Esperanza, provincia de Trujillo 2013 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Bermúdez, F., Cabrera, L. Diseño del sistema de control interno en el área de ventas para mejorar la gestión comercial en la empresa Quimipiel S.A.C., distrito de la Esperanza, provincia de Trujillo 2013 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2014.
title = "Diseño del sistema de control interno en el área de ventas para mejorar la gestión comercial en la empresa Quimipiel S.A.C., distrito de la Esperanza, provincia de Trujillo 2013",
author = "Cabrera Merino, Lizeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2014"
The present study aimed to demonstrate that the internal control system in Area Sales contributes to significantly improve business management in the company Quimipiel SAC, La Esperanza district, province of Trujillo, in the year 2013 was used for this purpose a pre-experimental design, simple descriptive nature. Transactional or cross method was used, for which it has had to consider what level or status of the study variables and their impact and interaction at any given moment, and then support in summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of the research. The sample consists of employees from the sales, according to the payroll of the month November 2013 For details of the domains of the variables, technical interview and survey analysis was applied. The results show that poor internal control system, has caused a number of errors in their everyday actions, this being the reason for not taking appropriate and timely decisions in the internal politics of the company, leading to malfunction thereof; since a good system of internal control based on the COSO Report implemented will contribute to achieving the objectives. Furthermore, with the proposal indicated the Sales Area, and after evaluating whether the system of internal control contributes to marketing processes have an efficient internal control, ie, achieve the process operations are well defined and organized to reach optimal levels, thus reducing errors and irregularities.
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