Bibliographic citations
Fonseca, M., (2014). Complicaciones postoperatorios de la obstrucción intestinal aguda adherencial versus la no adherencial durante Enero 2008 – Diciembre 2013 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Fonseca, M., Complicaciones postoperatorios de la obstrucción intestinal aguda adherencial versus la no adherencial durante Enero 2008 – Diciembre 2013 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2014.
title = "Complicaciones postoperatorios de la obstrucción intestinal aguda adherencial versus la no adherencial durante Enero 2008 – Diciembre 2013",
author = "Fonseca Briceño, Miguel Ángel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2014"
Determine postoperative complications of acute intestinal obstruction acute adhesions versus no adhesions obstruction Trujillo Regional Teaching Hospital during January 2008 to December 2013. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We performed an observational, analytical, retrospective cohort study, which evaluated 179 patients ≥ 14 years who were enrolled with Intestinal Obstruction, which were distributed in two groups: Group I (90 patients with intestinal obstruction due to adhesions) and Group II (89 patients with intestinal obstruction with no adhesions). RESULTS: The mean age in Group I was 46,48 ± 20,85 years and in Group II was 60,67 ± 17,86 years (p < 0,001), the proportion of male patients in groups I and II were 72,22% and 60,67%, respectively (p > 0,05). The most common etiology of adhesive small bowel obstruction was the intestinal volvulus in 35,96% followed by 31,46% in hernias. Ended ostomy patients in Group I and II in 81,11% and 74,16% respectively (p > 0,05). Regarding the presence of complications, had to be in Group I was present in 64,44% and in Group II in 57,0% (p > 0,05), the mortality was observed in Group I at 8,89% and 10,11% in Group II (p > 0,05). CONCLUSIONS: The postoperative morbidity and mortality associated with type of intestinal obstruction adhesions and no adhesions were not different in Trujillo Regional Teaching Hospital during January 2008 to December 2013.
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