Bibliographic citations
Flores, T., (2019). Programa de inteligencias múltiples para mejorar el desempeño académico de comunicación en estudiantes de primer grado de primaria de una institución educativa - Trujillo - 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Flores, T., Programa de inteligencias múltiples para mejorar el desempeño académico de comunicación en estudiantes de primer grado de primaria de una institución educativa - Trujillo - 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Programa de inteligencias múltiples para mejorar el desempeño académico de comunicación en estudiantes de primer grado de primaria de una institución educativa - Trujillo - 2019",
author = "Flores Carpio, Tania",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
The objective of the present investigation was to determine if the application of the ““Multiple Intelligences““ program significantly improves the Academic Performance in the Communication area in first grade students of an educational institution - Trujillo - 2019. Experimental design with a single group in test-retest mode was applied to 30 first-grade students. To measure the Academic Performance, previously validated, instrument was used, Scale for first grade students to improve the Academic Performance in the area of Communication. The results show, after using the Student's t test, that the average Academic Performance score in the Communication area was found to be 18.5 after application of the program and 33.47 after application; in this way they present a highly significant difference (t = 14.437, p <.01).
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