Bibliographic citations
Cotrina, S., Holguín, L. (2023). La publicidad en redes sociales y su relación con el proceso de decisión de compra de la población urbana de Trujillo, 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Cotrina, S., Holguín, L. La publicidad en redes sociales y su relación con el proceso de decisión de compra de la población urbana de Trujillo, 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "La publicidad en redes sociales y su relación con el proceso de decisión de compra de la población urbana de Trujillo, 2022",
author = "Holguín Saona, Luis Gianmarco",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between advertising on social networks and the purchase decision process of the urban population of Trujillo in 2022. The study used a quantitative approach and a descriptive correlational design to evaluate the association between the variables. A non-experimental and cross-sectional study was carried out. The study sample was 383 citizens using the formula of finite populations. The survey technique and a questionnaire composed of 17 ordinal measurement questions were used. The reliability of the data was evaluated using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, which obtained values of 0.910 for advertising in social networks and 0.907 for the purchase decision process, which indicates a very good reliability. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test (sig.=0.000) was performed, which indicates that the data do not follow a normal distribution. Therefore, the Rho Spearman correlation statistic was used, obtaining a correlation of 0.927. This indicates that there is a strong positive correlation between advertising on social networks and the purchase decision process of the urban population of Trujillo in 2022
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