Bibliographic citations
Ojeda, D., Serrano, J. (2024). Herramientas Lean Manufacturing y su impacto en los costos operativos en la Empresa de confecciones Wilmer Sport, Trujillo-2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Ojeda, D., Serrano, J. Herramientas Lean Manufacturing y su impacto en los costos operativos en la Empresa de confecciones Wilmer Sport, Trujillo-2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Herramientas Lean Manufacturing y su impacto en los costos operativos en la Empresa de confecciones Wilmer Sport, Trujillo-2022",
author = "Serrano Lozano, Jennifer Lucila",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
The objective of this thesis was to determine the impact of Lean manufacturing tools on the operating costs of the Confecciones Wilmer Sport company in Trujillo in the year 2022. The type of research was applied, with a correlational level and a cross- sectional non-experimental research design. The results were to identify the current operating costs of the company, which amounted to S/349,117.30, corresponding to direct materials, direct labor, other indirect costs, depreciation and waste. Likewise, the critical operation of the process was identified, which was the clothing area with a time of 150 minutes per dozen, the process takes a total of 435 minutes and the delivery of the uniforms takes 1,440 minutes. The application of the tools focused on the VSM, 5S and TPM to ensure the efficiency of the sewing machines. The costs after the implementation were reduced to S/333,305.70. Especially for the reduction of waste, which was reduced by 70%. It is concluded that the implementation of lean manufacturing tools in the Wilmer Sport clothing company positively influences operating costs, since it allowed a 5% reduction.
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