Bibliographic citations
Gallardo, M., Pescoran, M. (2019). Análisis comparativo del diseño estructural del pavimento flexible y pavimento rígido para la avenida larco tramo avenida Huamán y avenida Fátima de la ciudad de Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Gallardo, M., Pescoran, M. Análisis comparativo del diseño estructural del pavimento flexible y pavimento rígido para la avenida larco tramo avenida Huamán y avenida Fátima de la ciudad de Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Análisis comparativo del diseño estructural del pavimento flexible y pavimento rígido para la avenida larco tramo avenida Huamán y avenida Fátima de la ciudad de Trujillo",
author = "Pescoran Campos, Manuel David",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
The present investigation was developed in Larco Avenue, section Huaman and Fatima´s Avenues in the city of Trujillo, through a descriptive - applied investigation. The main objective of this research was to carry out a comparative analysis of the structural design of the flexible and rigid flooring, for that reason it was observed and analyzed the conditions in which it was found the existing flooring of the stretch being studied. In the structural design of the flooring, was used the AASHTO 93 methodology, because the design parameters are adapted to the conditions in which the stretch under study is located. In addition, the recommendations established in the National Building Regulations were taken into account: CE.010 Urban Flooring, 2010, which was used to establish the thickness of the flooring. Basic engineering studies were conducted as soil mechanics studies; with which it was determined that the soil is clayey with medium plasticity and presents a CBR of 8.48%, study of traffic analysis; with which it was obtained that the number of repetitions of equivalent axes for the flexible pavement is 3'889,505.98 and for the rigid flooring is 3'997,058.60, necessary data that allowed us to determine the structural designs for both flooring. The results obtained in the structural design of the flexible flooring is a 10 cm asphalt binder, 20 cm base and 15 cm sub base, with a cost of one million four hundred sixty-eight thousand six hundred twenty with 67/100 soles (S/ 1,468,620.67) and for the structural design of the rigid flooring, a 20 cm concrete slab with a f'c = 280 kg/cm2 and 15 cm base, with a cost of two million one hundred fifty-two thousand six hundred seventy-four with 75/100 soles (S/ 2´152,674.75). It is concluded that, through an economic analysis, the cost of initial execution of the rigid flooring is 31% greater than the cost of the flexible flooring.
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