Bibliographic citations
Rodríguez, J., (2019). Características clínico-epidemiológicas en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama atendidas en Hospital Cayetano Heredia, octubre 2018-enero 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Rodríguez, J., Características clínico-epidemiológicas en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama atendidas en Hospital Cayetano Heredia, octubre 2018-enero 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Características clínico-epidemiológicas en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama atendidas en Hospital Cayetano Heredia, octubre 2018-enero 2019",
author = "Rodríguez Quispe, Jordy Miguel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
Objective: To determine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics in patients diagnosed with breast cancer at the Cayetano Heredia Hospital during the period October 2018 - January 2019. Methodology: A descriptive, randomized, quantitative, cross-sectional and prospective study was conducted in women diagnosed with breast cancer. A data collection form was applied to gather the information recorded in the patient's medical records. In statistical analysis, it was carried out using the STATA v14 program. Results: We included 96 women diagnosed with breast cancer, with a predominance of older than 50 years (69.8%), mainly from urban areas (53.1%). Family history of cancer occurred in a minority of patients. Obesity occurred in 19.8% of cases, while overweight occurred in 44.8%. We found a high prevalence of alcoholic beverages sporadically (75%) among the patients studied. Pain and the presence of masses were the most common findings (71.9%) in the physical examination. While the most common stage of breast cancer was the IIIA with 27.1%. Conclusion: Breast cancer was observed more frequently in women over 50 years old, overweight, who had mainly used oral contraceptives, consumed alcoholic beverages sporadically and as a main antecedent had presented some benign disease in the breast. Clinically, the main reason for consultation was the palpable mass, the presence of a 2-5cm tumor and the IIIA stage.
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