Bibliographic citations
Ruiz, C., (2023). Adherencia terapéutica asociada a la calidad de vida en pacientes hemodializados en un hospital ESSALUD Piura 2021-2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Ruiz, C., Adherencia terapéutica asociada a la calidad de vida en pacientes hemodializados en un hospital ESSALUD Piura 2021-2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Adherencia terapéutica asociada a la calidad de vida en pacientes hemodializados en un hospital ESSALUD Piura 2021-2022",
author = "Ruiz Montenegro, Claudia Giuliana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
OBJECTIVE: To determine if therapeutic adherence is associated with quality of life in hemodialysis patients at an EsSalud Piura 2021 hospital. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Observational, analytical-cross-sectional, prospective study with primary data collection from the census cohort in patients diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease who require hemodialysis during the year 2021-2022, assessing whether their quality of life influences the therapeutic adherence. RESULTS: 59.57% of the total (84 records) were female and the average for age was 58.23ª between ranges from 18 to 82 years respectively, 26.24% (37 records) previous diagnosis of Arterial Hypertension, followed by to this, 32 of the records (22.7%) presented the presence of dyslipidemia as a previous diagnosis and By using the KDQOL-SF 36 questionnaire it was obtained that at the level of mean values a score of 78.19 pts which places the patients within a good range. CONCLUSION: There is a significant association between therapeutic adherence and quality of life.
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