Bibliographic citations
Cornejo, D., Flores, B. (2023). Efecto de la presencia de condilomatosis genital en el comportamiento sexual de las mujeres atendidas en los diferentes servicios del Hospital Regional Docente Trujillo. 2019– 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Cornejo, D., Flores, B. Efecto de la presencia de condilomatosis genital en el comportamiento sexual de las mujeres atendidas en los diferentes servicios del Hospital Regional Docente Trujillo. 2019– 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Efecto de la presencia de condilomatosis genital en el comportamiento sexual de las mujeres atendidas en los diferentes servicios del Hospital Regional Docente Trujillo. 2019– 2022",
author = "Flores Bazalar, Brenda Fiorella",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
The objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of the presence of genital condylomatosis on the sexual behavior of women treated in the different services of the Hospital Regional Docente Trujillo, 2019-2022. A prospective analytical cohort study was carried out; with a sample of 44 women with a diagnosis of genital condylomatosis and 220 women without a diagnosis of genital condylomatosis was taken. The following results were obtained: in the general characteristics it was found that 56.1% of the women were between 15 and 29 years old, 40.2% were cohabitants, 56.1% have a high school diploma, 41.3% have two sexual partners and 60.6% are multiparous. Regarding sexual behavior, it was found that 75% of women before the diagnosis of genital condylomatosis presented high-risk sexual behavior and after the diagnosis of genital condylomatosis it decreased to 16%. In relation to women without a diagnosis of genital condylomatosis, before receiving care in the hospital services, 100% obtained low-risk sexual behavior and after receiving care in the services, it decreased to 85.9%. The relative risk before diagnosis of genital condylomatosis was 21 and after diagnosis was 1.125, 95% CI, Test Z with significance p < 0.001. Concluding that there is a significant effect between genital condylomatosis and sexual behavior.
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