Bibliographic citations
Armas, D., Cerna, F. (2022). Criptomonedas y su impacto en la gestión de importación de la empresa Chavín Operador Logístico S.A.C., distrito de Trujillo, año 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Armas, D., Cerna, F. Criptomonedas y su impacto en la gestión de importación de la empresa Chavín Operador Logístico S.A.C., distrito de Trujillo, año 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Criptomonedas y su impacto en la gestión de importación de la empresa Chavín Operador Logístico S.A.C., distrito de Trujillo, año 2022",
author = "Cerna Sigüeñas, Frank Alexis",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
The content of this thesis refers to the digital currency Cryptocurrency, which is widely used today. Digital money is very practical and easy to use, but many people think that it is not safe. It is known that Cryptocurrencies are acquired and traded by investors, but in this work, we show its use as a means of payment for international purchases. The general objective of this thesis is to determine how Cryptocurrencies impact the import management of the company Chavin Operator Logistico S.A.C. Trujillo, 2022. To collect the data, documentary analysis and an interview were applied, with which the necessary information was collected to confirm the hypothesis. The correlational design was used and the research was experimental. The result of this thesis is that Cryptocurrencies have a positive impact on the company's import management, since imports made with the BUSD Cryptocurrency had less cost and were carried out in less time than imports with conventional payments.
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