Bibliographic citations
Rojas, L., (2020). La impugnación de la paternidad y la vulneración al derecho a la identidad dinámica del hijo extramatrimonial de mujer casada [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Rojas, L., La impugnación de la paternidad y la vulneración al derecho a la identidad dinámica del hijo extramatrimonial de mujer casada [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2020.
title = "La impugnación de la paternidad y la vulneración al derecho a la identidad dinámica del hijo extramatrimonial de mujer casada",
author = "Rojas Villegas, Lucy Maribel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2020"
With this thesis we will try to determine how in a marriage the challenge of paternity affects the right of the dynamic identity of the extramarital child of the married woman, based on the principle of the best interests of the child. This research is structured in seven chapters. Chapter I exposes the introduction that consists of the problem statement, statement, hypothesis, background and objectives. Chapter II develops the importance of the right to identity in society by developing the convention of the right of the child and the right to identity. Chapter III includes the identification of the minor child conceived outside of marriage by the wife explaining what paternity and filiation is. Chapter IV includes a methodological framework, which describes the type of study and design; as well as the techniques and instruments of data collection and analysis methods. Chapter V develops the legislative proposal. Finally, chapter VI will contain the conclusions and chapter VII, the recommendations. The present investigation has as main objective to determine if the dynamic identity of the minor must also be assessed by the Judge at the time of resolving an action to challenge paternity, for which the two aspects of the right to identity will be disaggregated and each one will be conceptualized of them, establishing their similarities and differences. The present investigation is descriptive. The methodology used is inductive and deductive. The instruments used for the collection of the information were the method of document review, elaboration of files and content protocol among others. Finally, it came to the conclusion that the right to identity must be understood from its two edges, and not conceptualized only with the remission to the biological element (static identity), since the dynamic face of the person would be neglected, which It is more complex and contains multiple aspects linked to each other.
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