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Alamo, K., García, L. (2024). Control de inventario y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de la librería Ricmar EIRL, Piura - 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Alamo, K., García, L. Control de inventario y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de la librería Ricmar EIRL, Piura - 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Control de inventario y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de la librería Ricmar EIRL, Piura - 2020",
author = "García Parra, Leslie Nohely",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
Title: Control de inventario y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de la librería Ricmar EIRL, Piura - 2020
Advisor(s): Paredes Tejada, Rafael Eduardo
Keywords: Sistema de Control de Inventarios; Rentabilidad
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: La presente investigación titulada “Control de inventario y su incidencia en la
rentabilidad de la librería RICMAR EIRL, Piura – 2020” tienen como objetivo
general, determinar la incidencia del control de inventarios en la rentabilidad de la
librería RICMAR EIRL, Piura - 2020. Esta parte de una realidad problemática que
nos llevó a plantear el siguiente problema de investigación ¿Incide el control de
inventarios en la rentabilidad de la librería RICMAR EIRL, Piura - 2020?, para este
se planteó la siguiente hipótesis el control de inventarios incide positiva y
significativamente en la rentabilidad de la librería RICMAR EIRL, Piura - 2020. Para
esta investigación se estudió el total de la población que trabaja en la librería
conformada por 14 trabajadores. Las técnicas de investigación que se usaron
fueron la encuesta, la entrevista y el análisis documental. Posterior a la tabulación
de los datos, la revisión documentaria y el análisis de la entrevista, se llegó a la
conclusión de que, el control de inventarios incide positiva y significativamente en
la rentabilidad de la librería RICMAR EIRL, Piura – 2020, pues si se da una mejora
en el sistema de control de inventarios de la librería, la rentabilidad de esta
aumentaría. Además, se encontró que el actual sistema de inventario en la librería
RICMAR EIRL, Piura – 2020, en base a un 50% de las encuestas es malo, la
rentabilidad de la librería RICMAR EIRL, Piura – 2020, en base a la rotación de
inventarios, la Utilidad Bruta, la Rentabilidad de Margen comercial y en base a la
Rentabilidad neta sobre las ventas, es mala y los efectos de la ausencia de control
de inventarios en la rentabilidad de la librería RICMAR EIRL, Piura – 2020, son la
falta de inventario, robo, mermas, exceso de inventario lo cual genera desorden,
mal servicio al cliente, demoras en los envíos, incumplimientos de entrega o
entregas incompletas, pérdida de clientes, baja en las ventas, ingresos y baja
rentabilidad, planificación deficiente y mal manejo de los inventarios. Por lo que se
recomienda utilizar herramientas como Balanced Scorecard y gráficos de Pareto
para implementar mecanismos para mejorar la gestión del control de inventario para
optimizar los procesos y proporcionar información oportuna para la toma de
The present investigation entitled ""Inventory control and its impact on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020"" has the general objective of determining the incidence of inventory control on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020. This part of a problematic reality led us to pose the following research problem Does inventory control affect the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL library, Piura - 2020? on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020. For this research, the total population that works in the bookstore, made up of 14 workers, was studied. The research techniques used were the survey, the interview, and the documentary analysis. After the tabulation of the data, the documentary review, and the analysis of the interview, it was concluded that inventory control has a positive and significant impact on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020 because if it gives an improvement in the inventory control system of the bookstore, the profitability of this would increase. In addition, it was found that the current inventory system in the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020, based on 50% of the surveys is bad, the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020, based on the turnover of inventories, the Gross Profit, the Profitability of the commercial Margin and based on the net Profitability on sales, is bad and the effects of the absence of inventory control on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020, are the lack of inventory, theft, wastage, excess inventory which generates disorder, poor customer service, delays in shipments, delivery failures or incomplete deliveries, loss of customers, low sales, income, and low profitability, poor planning and bad inventory management. Therefore, it is recommended to use tools such as Balanced Scorecard and Pareto charts to implement mechanisms to improve inventory control management to optimize processes and provide timely information for decision- making
The present investigation entitled ""Inventory control and its impact on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020"" has the general objective of determining the incidence of inventory control on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020. This part of a problematic reality led us to pose the following research problem Does inventory control affect the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL library, Piura - 2020? on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020. For this research, the total population that works in the bookstore, made up of 14 workers, was studied. The research techniques used were the survey, the interview, and the documentary analysis. After the tabulation of the data, the documentary review, and the analysis of the interview, it was concluded that inventory control has a positive and significant impact on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020 because if it gives an improvement in the inventory control system of the bookstore, the profitability of this would increase. In addition, it was found that the current inventory system in the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020, based on 50% of the surveys is bad, the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020, based on the turnover of inventories, the Gross Profit, the Profitability of the commercial Margin and based on the net Profitability on sales, is bad and the effects of the absence of inventory control on the profitability of the RICMAR EIRL bookstore, Piura - 2020, are the lack of inventory, theft, wastage, excess inventory which generates disorder, poor customer service, delays in shipments, delivery failures or incomplete deliveries, loss of customers, low sales, income, and low profitability, poor planning and bad inventory management. Therefore, it is recommended to use tools such as Balanced Scorecard and Pareto charts to implement mechanisms to improve inventory control management to optimize processes and provide timely information for decision- making
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Discipline: Contabilidad
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Ciencias Economicas
Grade or title: Contadora Publica
Juror: León Mantilla, Miguel.; Marchan Otero, Javier.; De La Rosa Díaz, Consuelo.
Register date: 30-Oct-2024
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License