Bibliographic citations
Rios, J., Domínguez, V. (2022). Museo regional y servicios complementarios para el desarrollo cultural y turístico de la región Amazonas-Perú. [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Rios, J., Domínguez, V. Museo regional y servicios complementarios para el desarrollo cultural y turístico de la región Amazonas-Perú. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Museo regional y servicios complementarios para el desarrollo cultural y turístico de la región Amazonas-Perú.",
author = "Domínguez Salvador, Vilma Isabel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
The main objective of this work is to contribute to the proposal of an adequate infrastructure for a Regional Museum and Complementary Services for the cultural and tourist development of the Amazon Region, which can have adequate facilities that allow the research, exhibition, conservation and investigation of archaeological pieces of the Chachapoyas culture that developed in the area. The situational diagnosis allows us to evaluate the supply of cultural facilities at the regional level, since there is currently no adequate infrastructure to meet the minimum requirements of functionality, safety and anthropometry, to ensure research and preservation of the cultural wealth of the region. The research resulted in the proposal of an architectural project for a Regional Museum and Complementary Services, which is part of the tourist corridor circuit of the Utcubamba Valley, which can be enhanced by taking advantage of the large tourist flow and the cultural and natural diversity of the region. The purpose of the equipment is to become a scenario that fulfills the function of educating, communicating and valuing ancestral cultures and practices that help to recover the cultural identity of society, where the beneficiaries are the general population.
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