Bibliographic citations
Cenas, A., Montoya, K. (2019). Efecto de la confluencia del río Chicama con el tributario San Felipe en el puente José Gildemeister [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Cenas, A., Montoya, K. Efecto de la confluencia del río Chicama con el tributario San Felipe en el puente José Gildemeister [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Efecto de la confluencia del río Chicama con el tributario San Felipe en el puente José Gildemeister",
author = "Montoya Ramos, Kevin Jhonatan",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
The objective of this research is to develop the hydraulic analysis at the confluence of the Chicama River with the San Felipe tributary on the Bailey José Gildemeister bridge section, in order to evaluate future scenarios and mitigate possible damages caused by the rising of the Chicama River and the gorge of San Felipe, which directly affect the district of Marmot, province of Gran Chimú- La Libertad, taking into account the evaluation of the confluence in the José Gildemeister bridge section, a hydraulic study of the mentioned rivers has been developed, which allows us to carry out the hydrological study that consists of estimating maximum discharges from the report of maximum flows in 24 hours recorded in the El Tambo station, for the calculation of the flow of the Chicama River in return periods 50,100 and 500 years through an analysis with statistical methods with of the Hydrognomon program, as well as the approximate calculation of the flow rate of the Tax San Felipe for periods of return of 2,5,10,20,50,100 and 50 years through an analysis with empirical methods, later a topographic survey by drone of the study area was elaborated, to be able to evaluate by means of a hydraulic modeling with the IBER software the maximum water levels along the confluence as well as the erosive action of the water in the objective study of the undermining, for which pits were extracted and by means of the method of Lischtvan - Levediev and KF Artamonov for the calculation of general and local scour, respectively, the height of scour holes was determined, the simulations were evaluated with the different return periods, in this way to identify possible flooded areas, with the sole purpose of providing future damages due to the increase in waters of the Chicama River and the San Felipe tributary
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