Bibliographic citations
Patiño, M., (2024). Factores reproductivos asociados a la elección del implante subdérmico por las usuarias de un hospital II-2, Piura 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Patiño, M., Factores reproductivos asociados a la elección del implante subdérmico por las usuarias de un hospital II-2, Piura 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Factores reproductivos asociados a la elección del implante subdérmico por las usuarias de un hospital II-2, Piura 2023",
author = "Patiño Pérez, Maritere Tatiana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
To determine the reproductive factors associated with the choice of the subdermal implant as a contraceptive method among users of family planning services at Hospital Santa Rosa II-2, Piura 2023. MATERIAL AND METHOD: This research is a non-experimental, cross-sectional, analytical, and correlational study with a population consisting of all family planning users accepting any contraceptive method who attended the family planning service at Hospital Santa Rosa II-2, Piura 2023. RESULTS: In the study of reproductive factors associated with the choice of the subdermal implant in users of Hospital II-2, Piura 2023, the predominant age group is 21 to 30 years (45.33%) with a significant association (p=0.05). Marital status influences, with cohabitants being the majority (60.67%, p=0.03). Completed secondary education is prevalent (58.00%, p=0.04), and the majority are homemakers (64.67%, p=0.03). Users from urban areas predominate (91.33%, p=0.06), and all are Catholics (100.00%, p=0.07). CONCLUSION: There are reproductive factors associated with the choice of the subdermal implant as a contraceptive method among users of family planning services at Hospital Santa Rosa II-2, Piura 2023. Key words: Reproductive factors, subdermal implant, contraceptive.
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