Bibliographic citations
Lombardi, J., Navarro, K. (2023). Centro recreativo y cultural como dinamizador de la diversión formativa e integración social en Veintiséis de Octubre, Piura 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Lombardi, J., Navarro, K. Centro recreativo y cultural como dinamizador de la diversión formativa e integración social en Veintiséis de Octubre, Piura 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Centro recreativo y cultural como dinamizador de la diversión formativa e integración social en Veintiséis de Octubre, Piura 2022",
author = "Navarro Duque, Kevin Brayan",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
The present research work seeks to generate awareness and cultural identity in the population of the district of Veintiseis de Octubre about the importance of respecting the natural context of the Kurt Beer Park, through recreational, cultural and social integration activities. To this end, the proposal of a recreational and cultural center is proposed as a dynamizer of formative recreation and social integration in Veintiseis de Octubre, which contemplates spaces for recreation, culture and social cohesion that allow strengthening the relationship between man and nature. The project, in turn, has as objectives, to place on the natural environment, respecting the existing vegetation that enables the architectural integration with its immediate context, establishing an appropriate volumetric and spatial relationship with techno-environmental strategies of ventilation and natural lighting that promote ventilated spaces and avoid solar radiation in the design of the project, resulting in spaces integrated with nature that respond to the requirements of visitors.
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