Bibliographic citations
Franco, J., Vargas, M. (2022). Análisis comparativo entre el diseño estructural del pavimento flexible, rígido y articulado en el sector villa judicial - distrito de Huanchaco - Trujillo - la Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Franco, J., Vargas, M. Análisis comparativo entre el diseño estructural del pavimento flexible, rígido y articulado en el sector villa judicial - distrito de Huanchaco - Trujillo - la Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Análisis comparativo entre el diseño estructural del pavimento flexible, rígido y articulado en el sector villa judicial - distrito de Huanchaco - Trujillo - la Libertad",
author = "Vargas Lobaton, Margareth Wendy",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
Villa Judicial sector is located on Huanchaco district, near to Parque Industrial sector, it is one of the fastest growing in recent years, it is currently populated in all its extension and it has light, water and drain services. Also, lightweight and heavy vehicles roading daily on its streets in spite of they are not pavement, for that reasons the need of pavementing the zone emerge. In the present tesis the flexible, rigid and articulated pavements were evaluated trough a comparative analysis, the objective was to determinate the most advantageous for Los Tulipanes Street, Alan Garcia avenue and El Sol avenue, main streets of Villa Judicial sector, designing the structure of each one trough the guidelines of the Guide of roads, soils, geology, geotechnics and Pavement of the ministry of transport, which is based on AASHTO 93 normative for pavement design. To start with the investigation, traffic and soil mechanic studies were realized, the first in order to determinate the vehicle loads the soil will support, and the second to calculate the subgrade’s CBR in the soil to be pavement. Subsequently the calculation for pavements structure design were carry on using the AASHTO 93 methodology, making next the geometry design of the streets to finalize with a budget for each pavement, which resulting amounts were determinating to the comparative analysis of the three pavements. At the final of this investigation, the results of the elaborated studies, the structure design of each pavements, plants and detail plans and also the direct cost of each pavement budget were shown as well as the most advantageous pavement for the streets of Villa Judicial sector.
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