Bibliographic citations
Jara, I., Vela, M. (2021). Análisis hidrológico y propuesta de sistema de drenaje pluvial mediante obras de arte en la cuenca alta y baja del Centro Poblado de Samne, La Libertad 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Jara, I., Vela, M. Análisis hidrológico y propuesta de sistema de drenaje pluvial mediante obras de arte en la cuenca alta y baja del Centro Poblado de Samne, La Libertad 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Análisis hidrológico y propuesta de sistema de drenaje pluvial mediante obras de arte en la cuenca alta y baja del Centro Poblado de Samne, La Libertad 2021",
author = "Vela Chappa, Manuela Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
In 2017 Peru was affected by the phenomenon of the coastal child, bringing with it many disasters and chaos, in different regions of our country, one of them is the La Libertad region and for our study we took the Samne town center located in the province from Otuzco. This affected both the upper and lower areas of C. P, losing their material goods, suffering from basic necessities and finally leaving the population of the rest of the nearby towns isolated. To carry out this research, a hydrological study of the sub-basin of the SAMNE town center was carried out, obtaining 13 micro-basins, and the values for the most relevant flows of the microbasins MC-01 and MC-2 were obtained, they are: IILA - Q = 1.10 m3 / s and Q = 1.80 m3 / s respectively; SCS - Q = 0.2 m3 / s and 0.3 m3 / s, Block. Altr. Q = 0.3 m3 / s and Q = 0.4 m3 / s. After this, a computational hydraulic model was built using the IBER Software. 2.4.3, using a mesh with an interval of 1.00m to 4.00m, the results obtained are: Maximum speed in the model 13.86 m / s and a maximum tie of 3.56m, once the hydrological study was carried out, the design of the drainage system was proposed Based on diversion channels to concentrate the flows and drain them to the adjacent streams, the general geometric characteristics of the channels are: Slab width: 0.40m for all sections, slope: 0.25, roughness: 0.013 (corresponding to concrete), slope and variable flow, according to the location of each section, being the main channel with a flow of 3.6 m3 / s, and the diversion channel with a flow of 2.9 m3 / s, the latter evacuates the flow belonging to the MC micro-basins -01 and MC-02. Finally, the complementary works of art for the storm drainage system were designed, consisting of 07 rapid and 03 inclined falls, all of them according to the topographic characteristics of each stretch of channel, in order to reduce the energy gradient; For the design of the structures, the Rapidas V1.0 software was used.
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