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Sandoval, E., (2019). Factores asociados para ojo seco crónico en pacientes post operados de cirugía refractiva [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Sandoval, E., Factores asociados para ojo seco crónico en pacientes post operados de cirugía refractiva [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Factores asociados para ojo seco crónico en pacientes post operados de cirugía refractiva",
author = "Sandoval Yupaiccana, Estefani Sabrina",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
Título: Factores asociados para ojo seco crónico en pacientes post operados de cirugía refractiva
Autor(es): Sandoval Yupaiccana, Estefani Sabrina
Asesor(es): Pomatanta Plasencia, Jorge
Palabras clave: Ojo seco; Lentes de contacto
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Institución: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Resumen: Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados para ojo seco crónico en pacientes
post operados de cirugía refractiva.
Material y método: Estudio de tipo retrospectivo de corte transversal, incluyó 95
pacientes post operados de cirugía refractiva con más de 3 meses post intervención,
en quienes se les aplicó Test de fluoresceína y test de Schirmer I para determinar
la presencia de ojo seco crónico, además del test de OSDI y se obtuvo datos de
interés de su historia clínica. Los datos se analizaron con el programa SPSS 25, se
obtuvo la prueba de independencia del Chi-cuadrado con el riesgo es significativo
si p<0.05 y la prueba de T- Student para las variables cuantitativas.
Resultados: En la población que presentó ojo seco crónico, el género femenino
alcanzó el 62.5% y el masculino 37.5% (x²= 9.919; p = 0.338), la edad promedio fue
32.9 años (T Student= 1,23; p= 0.221) esta muestra fue ecuánime para los tipos de
cirugía refractiva (LASIK Y PRK) (X²= 1,98; p= 0,160), el grado de miopía leve (50%)
moderada (43.8%) y severa (6,3%) (X² = 1,69; p = 0,430) y el de uso de
computadora en un tiempo mayor a 5 horas al día (56.3%) no mostraron razones
suficientes (p>0.005) para asociarlas con el ojo seco crónico. Sin embargo la historia
del uso de lentes de contacto en un 68.8% evidenció su asociación al ojo seco
crónico (X² = 5,60 p = 0,018). Del test de OSDI y su clasificación se obtuvo que el
9.6% de los pacientes con ojo seco crónico manifestaron una puntuación de 23 a
50 considerado como severo. Conclusión: El uso de lentes de contacto es un factor
asociado a ojo seco crónico en pacientes post operados de cirugía refractiva
Objective: Identify the factors associated to dry eye in patients after refractive surgery Material and Methods: Cross-sectional retrospective study, included 95 postoperative refractive sugery patients over 3 months post intervention, to whom it was applied fluorescein test and Schirmer I test to determine the presence of chronic dry eyes, also the OSDI test and it was obtained data of interest from clinical history. The data were analyzed with the program SPSS 25, was obtained the Chi-square Independence test with risk is significant if p<0.05 Results: In the population with chronic dry eye, female was 62.5% and male was 37.5% (x²= 9.919; p = 0.338), the average age was 32.9 years (T Student= 1,23; p= 0.221) this group was equitable for types of surgery (LASIK Y PRK) (X²= 1,98; p= 0,160), the degree slight myopia (50%) moderate (43.8%) and severe (6,3%) (X² = 1,69; p = 0,430) and computer use in a time longer tan 5 hours (56.3%) didn´t show enough reason (p>0.005) to associate it with chronic dry eye. However the history of wearing contact lenses Sin embargo la historia del uso de lentes de contacto on a 68.8% evidenced its association with the chronic dry eye (X² = 5,60 p = 0,018). OSDI test and its classification was obtained that 9.6% of patients with chronic dry eye showed a score of 23 to 50 considered to be severe. Conclusions: Contact lens use is a factor associated with chronic dry eye in potoperative refractive surgery patients
Objective: Identify the factors associated to dry eye in patients after refractive surgery Material and Methods: Cross-sectional retrospective study, included 95 postoperative refractive sugery patients over 3 months post intervention, to whom it was applied fluorescein test and Schirmer I test to determine the presence of chronic dry eyes, also the OSDI test and it was obtained data of interest from clinical history. The data were analyzed with the program SPSS 25, was obtained the Chi-square Independence test with risk is significant if p<0.05 Results: In the population with chronic dry eye, female was 62.5% and male was 37.5% (x²= 9.919; p = 0.338), the average age was 32.9 years (T Student= 1,23; p= 0.221) this group was equitable for types of surgery (LASIK Y PRK) (X²= 1,98; p= 0,160), the degree slight myopia (50%) moderate (43.8%) and severe (6,3%) (X² = 1,69; p = 0,430) and computer use in a time longer tan 5 hours (56.3%) didn´t show enough reason (p>0.005) to associate it with chronic dry eye. However the history of wearing contact lenses Sin embargo la historia del uso de lentes de contacto on a 68.8% evidenced its association with the chronic dry eye (X² = 5,60 p = 0,018). OSDI test and its classification was obtained that 9.6% of patients with chronic dry eye showed a score of 23 to 50 considered to be severe. Conclusions: Contact lens use is a factor associated with chronic dry eye in potoperative refractive surgery patients
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Medicina Humana
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grado o título: Médico Cirujano
Fecha de registro: 23-oct-2019
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