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Cotrina, L., (2023). Factores Asociados a Reincidencia de Embarazo en Adolescentes Atendidas en el Hospital II-1 Moyobamba [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Cotrina, L., Factores Asociados a Reincidencia de Embarazo en Adolescentes Atendidas en el Hospital II-1 Moyobamba [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Factores Asociados a Reincidencia de Embarazo en Adolescentes Atendidas en el Hospital II-1 Moyobamba",
author = "Cotrina Celis, Luis Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
Title: Factores Asociados a Reincidencia de Embarazo en Adolescentes Atendidas en el Hospital II-1 Moyobamba
Authors(s): Cotrina Celis, Luis Eduardo
Advisor(s): Núñez Rodas, Maritza
Keywords: Embarazo Reincidente; Embarazo Adolescente
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue evaluar los
factores asociados a reincidencia de embarazo en adolescentes atendidas en el
Hospital II-1 Moyobamba, durante el año 2015- 2019.
Material y métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio observacional analítico de diseño
casos y controles. La muestra a estudiar estuvo constituida por 210 adolescentes
cuya atención prenatal se realizó en el Hospital II-1 Moyobamba en el periodo
2015 a 2019, se incluyeron a las participantes de acuerdo a los criterios de
selección, las cuales se distribuyeron en 70 casos y 140 controles.
Resultados: El factor sociodemográfico que demostró asociación para
reincidencia de embarazos fue: ocupación (OR 2.02, IC=1,06-3,84), este
resultado es estadísticamente significativo. Con respecto a los factores gineco obstétricos el factor que se asoció a reincidencia de embarazos fue: Número de
parejas sexuales (OR=2,75, IC95%=1.38-5.49) constituye un factor de riesgo y
es estadísticamente significativo. El embarazo planificado se postuló como factor
protector (OR=0,31 IC 95%= 0,13-0,73 p=0.010). Este resultado fue
estadísticamente significativo.
Conclusión: Los factores ocupación y número de parejas sexuales, se
asociaron a embarazo reincidente, mientras que embarazo planificado se postuló
como factor protector.
The objective of this research work was to evaluate the factors associated with recidivism of pregnancy in adolescents treated at Hospital II-1 Moyobamba, during the year 2015-2019. Material and methods: An analytical observational study of case-control design was developed. The sample to be studied consisted of 210 adolescents whose prenatal care was carried out at the Hospital II-1 Moyobamba in the period 2015 to 2019, the participants were included according to the selection criteria, which were distributed in 70 cases and 140 controls. Results: The sociodemographic factors that demonstrated association for recidivism of pregnancy were: occupation (OR 2.02) whose confidence interval 95% (CI=1.06-3.84), this result is statistically significant. Regarding the gynecological-obstetric factors, the factors that were associated with recurrence of pregnancy were: Number of sexual partners (OR=2.75, 95%CI=1.38-5.49) constitutes a risk factor and is statistically significant. The planned pregnancy was postulated as a protective factor (OR=0.31 95% CI= 0.13-0.73 p=0.010). This result was statistically significant. Conclusion: The factors occupation and number of sexual partners were associated with recurrent pregnancy, while planned pregnancy was postulated as a protective factor
The objective of this research work was to evaluate the factors associated with recidivism of pregnancy in adolescents treated at Hospital II-1 Moyobamba, during the year 2015-2019. Material and methods: An analytical observational study of case-control design was developed. The sample to be studied consisted of 210 adolescents whose prenatal care was carried out at the Hospital II-1 Moyobamba in the period 2015 to 2019, the participants were included according to the selection criteria, which were distributed in 70 cases and 140 controls. Results: The sociodemographic factors that demonstrated association for recidivism of pregnancy were: occupation (OR 2.02) whose confidence interval 95% (CI=1.06-3.84), this result is statistically significant. Regarding the gynecological-obstetric factors, the factors that were associated with recurrence of pregnancy were: Number of sexual partners (OR=2.75, 95%CI=1.38-5.49) constitutes a risk factor and is statistically significant. The planned pregnancy was postulated as a protective factor (OR=0.31 95% CI= 0.13-0.73 p=0.010). This result was statistically significant. Conclusion: The factors occupation and number of sexual partners were associated with recurrent pregnancy, while planned pregnancy was postulated as a protective factor
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Discipline: Medicina Humana
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grade or title: Médico Cirujano
Juror: Alcántara Ascón, Rene Augusto.; Olivencia Quiñones, Mario Antonio; Rodríguez Barboza, Héctor Uladismiro
Register date: 17-Apr-2023
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