Bibliographic citations
Sánchez, A., Pérez, M. (2019). Centro de interpretación ambiental cultural del circuito ecoturistico Lomas de Lúcumo Pachacamac - Lima [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Sánchez, A., Pérez, M. Centro de interpretación ambiental cultural del circuito ecoturistico Lomas de Lúcumo Pachacamac - Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Centro de interpretación ambiental cultural del circuito ecoturistico Lomas de Lúcumo Pachacamac - Lima",
author = "Pérez Ruiz, Mónica Tatiana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
This document develops the Cultural Environmental Interpretation Center project for the ecotourism circuit of Lomas de Lúcumo in the district of Pachacamac, Province of Lima, a proposal that seeks to publicize the site in addition to promoting its conservation and preservation as an ecosystem considered fragile, that is, due to human interventions does not recover its original state. This relatively modern equipment proposes the main objective of integrating aspects such as research, dissemination and recreation so that users participate in activities generating interest in the protection of this natural environment. In the first part the aforementioned problem is described in detail, in addition to the theoretical foundations that lead to research and some cases similar to the field of study and the methodology used. Subsequently, the program of needs, users, conceptualization of the project is described, as well as the functionality of the project, area chart, planimetry, architectural details and specialties. The choice of materials played an important role in the formal composition of the project, since the architectural object not only responds in form and function, but also achieves a level of aesthetics with foundations related to its surroundings, achieving an architectural composition that is located correctly in the populated center without altering it.
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