Bibliographic citations
Moran, N., (2024). El trabajo infantil, la inaplicación de la regulación de adolescentes que trabajan y su afectación a la doctrina de protección integral del niño y adolescente en Trujillo, en el año 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Moran, N., El trabajo infantil, la inaplicación de la regulación de adolescentes que trabajan y su afectación a la doctrina de protección integral del niño y adolescente en Trujillo, en el año 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "El trabajo infantil, la inaplicación de la regulación de adolescentes que trabajan y su afectación a la doctrina de protección integral del niño y adolescente en Trujillo, en el año 2023",
author = "Moran Melgarejo, Naycha Jacquelin Israela",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
The objective of this study is to analyze child labor, the non-application of the regulation of adolescents who work and its impact on the doctrine of comprehensive protection of children and adolescents in Trujillo, in the year 2023, considering one of the legislative decrees that allows the authorization for minors to work in a “formal” manner. The research that has been developed is of an explanatory type and with a simple descriptive design, given that it involves the evolution of variables, carried out with a sample of 20 professionals specialized in family and Labor Law. Documentary analysis was used as the main technique and the interview as an instrument. The results highlight the need to strengthen the legal framework to guarantee the doctrine of comprehensive protection of children and adolescents. This finding supports the idea that a strong legal environment is essential to address child labor and ensure the well-being of minors. On the other hand, the complexity of child labor requires the implementation and reform of specific laws, aligned with international standards and with effective enforcement mechanisms. Legislation must be accompanied by comprehensive public policies that include education and social protection for children and adolescents, which is why constitutional protection must be complemented with specific laws and effective policies to guarantee that these rights are effectively exercised. Just as the right to education requires inclusive policies that guarantee that all children, regardless of their employment status, have access to high-quality education. To address this problem, educational support and recovery programs are essential, even the effective application of regulations requires continuous supervision and political commitment
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