Bibliographic citations
Carrasco, E., Gavidia, R. (2024). Diseño geométrico y estructural del camino vecinal entre las localidades Cañas y el Angolo, provincia de Sullana, Departamento de Piura [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Carrasco, E., Gavidia, R. Diseño geométrico y estructural del camino vecinal entre las localidades Cañas y el Angolo, provincia de Sullana, Departamento de Piura [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Diseño geométrico y estructural del camino vecinal entre las localidades Cañas y el Angolo, provincia de Sullana, Departamento de Piura",
author = "Gavidia Laguna, Romario Percy",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
The village road project between Cañas and Angolo in the province of Sullana is a vital initiative to boost socio-economic development in the District of Marcavelica. The study shows a predominant traffic pattern of light vehicles, with peaks during weekends, suggesting increased recreational or weekend activity. This variability in vehicle flow highlights the need for a road design that can efficiently accommodate both regular traffic and occasional increases. Regarding the soil mechanics study, it has been discovered that the soil is primarily composed of sandy gravel and gravelly sand with clay. This finding is crucial to ensuring a solid and stable base for the road, highlighting the importance of proper selection and preparation of materials. The hydrological study, using data from meteorological stations and digital elevation models, has identified several basins and channels that intercept the route. These data are crucial for properly sizing cross structures, such as culverts and fords, and for effectively managing the specific hydrological conditions of the area. In terms of geometric design, the meticulous topographic survey and the implementation of strategic control points have been fundamental to ensure accuracy throughout the layout. Finally, the structural design is based on a detailed analysis of soil mechanics and vehicular traffic, setting specifications such as a design CBR of 19.67% and and an optimal thickness of the base of 15 cm and subbase of 20 cm each and a hot asphalt layer of 8 cm. These parameters ensure that the road can support the projected traffic while maintaining its integrity and functionality.
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