Bibliographic citations
González, A., Tapia, K. (2019). Complejo cultural educativo para los centros poblados de Víctor Raúl y California, distrito de Virú, provincia de Virú, departamento de La Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
González, A., Tapia, K. Complejo cultural educativo para los centros poblados de Víctor Raúl y California, distrito de Virú, provincia de Virú, departamento de La Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Complejo cultural educativo para los centros poblados de Víctor Raúl y California, distrito de Virú, provincia de Virú, departamento de La Libertad",
author = "Tapia Milla, Karla Yasmine",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
Many of the social, political, economic and cultural problems that occur in the country are a root of a precarious level of education and culture. A situation that is not reinforced in the homes, neither by the lack of educational infrastructure or by the lack of facilities that provide alternative learning and cultural entertainment. The need to provide the population with the necessary infrastructure to satisfy their rights to the main education and culture services, must be imposed as the primary objective of the State and of any professional whose vocation is to attribute quality, comfort and safety equipment. From the architectural point of view, an educational and cultural complex must provide these characteristics for the well-being of its occupants, providing ideal and constant environmental temperature conditions, optimal ventilation and lighting, adequate spaces for the tasks and number of individuals that occupy them, adding to them open spaces of public interaction that, as a whole, achieve the development of the cognitive capacities of a society. This is the objective that, in addition to the imperative need to improve the service of education and culture in Peru, drives us to focus on a specific case at a contextual level to study an alternative solution path, reflected in architectural equipment. Therefore, the thesis project “Educational Cultural Complex for the population centers of Víctor Raúl and California, District of Virú, Province of Virú, Department of La Libertad“ is based on the analysis of the state of the educational and cultural facilities of said locality , with the aim of determining the conditions in which their services are delivered after evaluating their existing infrastructure. Only this way, we were able to determine an establishment proposal that not only potentialized their levels of attention, but also made a change in the learning expectations of a population enrolled in a context affected by poverty, delinquency and school desertion; situation that, in fact, is repeated in almost all the population centers of our country.
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