Bibliographic citations
Vazallo, C., (2020). Modelo de gestión de conservación vial para mantenimiento vial del camino vecinal CA-538 empalme PE-5N San Agustín Huabal, provincia de Jaén, Cajamarca [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Vazallo, C., Modelo de gestión de conservación vial para mantenimiento vial del camino vecinal CA-538 empalme PE-5N San Agustín Huabal, provincia de Jaén, Cajamarca [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2020.
title = "Modelo de gestión de conservación vial para mantenimiento vial del camino vecinal CA-538 empalme PE-5N San Agustín Huabal, provincia de Jaén, Cajamarca",
author = "Vazallo de La Cruz, Claudia Beyzeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2020"
In the research, ROAD CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR ROAD MAINTENANCE OF THE VECINAL ROAD CA - 538 EMPALME PE - 5N SAN AGUSTÍN - HUABAL, PROVINCE OF JAÉN, CAJAMARCA, the problem of the study was how to manage road maintenance, seeking to reduce road costs. road maintenance on the local road; After doing the basic and technical-based studies in the 2018 Road Maintenance or Conservation Manual, it was determined that the road has a bad state of conservation; Therefore, as part of the solution, it was to consider a section with routine maintenance, that is, the set of activities for the immediate correction of defects, and another with periodic maintenance, those activities that are duly programmed and that are necessary due to the demand of traffic and / or weather conditions that were not considered when the trail was run. As part of the management model, activities for routine maintenance and / or periodic maintenance are determined to preserve the useful life of the road infrastructure, reduce costs and guarantee adequate trafficability, favoring the inhabitants of the areas of influence with the exchange of products more efficiently, improving their living conditions and promoting the development of their towns.
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