Bibliographic citations
Zambrano, M., (2021). Estrategia de comunicación para el cambio social en la prevención del embarazo adolescente en la I.E. 14793, Sullana 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Zambrano, M., Estrategia de comunicación para el cambio social en la prevención del embarazo adolescente en la I.E. 14793, Sullana 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Estrategia de comunicación para el cambio social en la prevención del embarazo adolescente en la I.E. 14793, Sullana 2020",
author = "Zambrano Céspedes, María del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
This research focused on determining the most appropriate communication strategy for social change in the prevention of adolescent pregnancy in fourth and fifth year high school students at the I.E. 14793 Luciano Castillo Colonna, Sullana 2020. The descriptive design was used as a research method, qualitative (in-depth personal interview) and quantitative (survey) techniques were applied, the instruments were validated under the judgment of experts. We worked with a sample of 153 students, a stratified sample was carried out in order to apply the surveys in an equitable manner, which was distributed: fourth, 91 students and 62 from fifth year of secondary school. With the result of this research, it was obtained that the communication strategy for social change with which it is recommended to work on the prevention of adolescent pregnancy is linked to digital tools combined with education and entertainment. It is proposed that the strategy focus on peer education (teenagers) and use digital communication tools that adapt to the characteristics of the target audience.
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