Bibliographic citations
Tirado, C., (2023). Centro de capacitación y estimulación para personas con discapacidad física y cognitiva, en la ciudad de Cajamarca [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Tirado, C., Centro de capacitación y estimulación para personas con discapacidad física y cognitiva, en la ciudad de Cajamarca [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Centro de capacitación y estimulación para personas con discapacidad física y cognitiva, en la ciudad de Cajamarca",
author = "Tirado Pinedo, Carmen Rebeca",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
In Peru, educational centers, public or private institutions, try to functionally adapt to the extent of their possibilities by providing limited support to those who have some somatic, duly studied impediment in our country, being for Peru one of its greatest challenges, to be able to implement an inclusive education with a greater degree of development. The architectural project proposal: ““Training and Stimulation Centre for People with Physical, Sensory and Cognitive Disabilities in the city of Cajamarca, responds to the problems of the sector (economic, productive and educational) and the need for inclusive education in all its aspects, but above all to the absence of infrastructure that provides this type of services to this group of the population. This proposal goes beyond the resolution of problems but is oriented towards the creation of an environment designed to have architectural and physical characteristics that allow them to find a suitable environment for their development and development. The main idea is the training and education, especially of people who do not have the resources to achieve their development, hoping to increase their participation and protagonist in the labor and civil world.
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