Bibliographic citations
Albinagorta, R., (2022). Plan de gestión de calidad para el conjunto habitacional de interés social, Villa Marina IV etapa - Alto Salaverry [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Albinagorta, R., Plan de gestión de calidad para el conjunto habitacional de interés social, Villa Marina IV etapa - Alto Salaverry [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Plan de gestión de calidad para el conjunto habitacional de interés social, Villa Marina IV etapa - Alto Salaverry",
author = "Albinagorta Moreno, Ronald Francis",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
The objective of this research was to develop a proposal for the implementation of a quality management plan based on the ISO 9001: 2015 standard for its application in the execution of the IV stage of the Villa Marina housing complex. The research was of a non-experimental type, the methodology applied was the literature review of the ISO standard, as well as the complementary documentation provided by the company in charge of the execution of stages I and II of the project. The diagnostic investigation found several problems in the quality of the work, the main observations being the appearance of corrugations, poor formwork processes, difficulties in applying the design, among others that led to the award of additional expenses for an amount of S/. 2,541,354.61. From this analysis, the deficient points of the existing quality management plan were identified and based on the situational analysis of the organization, a proposal was developed that includes procedures, formats, and documents that, if implemented, will reduce operating costs, execution times, additional expenses, incidence of observations, improvement in customer satisfaction, in the national and international reputation of the executing company, among other benefits.
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