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Caballero, G., Vildoso, C. (2024). La valoración de la prueba en casos de violencia familiar [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Caballero, G., Vildoso, C. La valoración de la prueba en casos de violencia familiar [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "La valoración de la prueba en casos de violencia familiar",
author = "Vildoso Fuentes, Claudia Katheryn",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
Title: La valoración de la prueba en casos de violencia familiar
Advisor(s): Tori Vargas, Denise María
Keywords: Violencia familiar; Violencia física; Violencia psicológica; Derecho probatorio; Valoración de hechos; Pericia; Domestic violence; Physical violence; Psychological violence; Evidentiary law; Evaluation of facts; Expertise
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 26-Jun-2024
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: La presente investigación analizó la Casación No 4184-2018 a fin de determinar si existió una adecuada valoración de los medios probatorios presentados a lo largo del proceso sobre violencia familiar (maltrato físico y psicológico), iniciado por A. P. B. E. contra su ex conviviente F.D.L.M.
Al respecto, el Juzgado de Familia falló a favor de A. P. B. E., reconociendo un maltrato físico y psicológico, sin embargo, desestimó el delito de violencia psicológica hacia su hija. Por ello, A. P. B. E. apeló la sentencia ante la Sala Superior, la misma que declaró que no existió maltrato físico ni psicológico señalando que los conflictos fueron meramente desacuerdos entre partes. Por otro lado, se ratificó la desestimación del delito de violencia psicológica hacia su hija.
Ante ello la recurrente interpuso recurso de casación, el mismo que fue rechazado por la Corte Suprema confirmando la sentencia de la sala superior. Sin embargo, cabe señalar que el magistrado Ordoñez Alcántara presentó su voto en discordia, destacando una falta de interpretación del derecho objetivo.
En ese sentido, de acuerdo a la doctrina y normativa analizada, se concluye que la Sala Suprema realizó una incorrecta apreciación de los medios probatorios y, por ende, del derecho objetivo, puesto que, respecto a la violencia psicológica denunciada fueron ambos padres los que generaron dicha violencia entre ellos, así como hacia la menor de manera indirecta y se discrepa con respecto a la violencia física ya que se concluye que la misma no generó lesión pero si afectación.
The present investigation analyzed Cassation Case No. 4184-2018, in order to determine whether there was an adequate assessment of the evidence presented throughout the process on family violence (physical and psychological abuse), initiated by A. P. B. E. against her former partner, F.D.L.M. In this regard, the Family Court ruled in favor of A. P. B. E., recognizing physical and psychological abuse, however it dismissed the crime of psychological violence towards her daughter. For this reason, A. P. B. E. appealed the sentence before the Superior Court, which declared that there was no physical or psychological abuse, pointing out that the conflicts were merely disagreements between parties. On the other hand, the dismissal of the crime of psychological violence towards his daughter was ratified. Given this, the appellant filed an appeal, which was rejected by the Supreme Court, confirming the ruling of the higher court. However, it should be noted that Judge Ordoñez Alcántara presented his dissenting vote, highlighting a lack of interpretation of objective law. In that sense, according to the doctrine and regulations analyzed, it is concluded that the Supreme Court made an incorrect assessment of the evidence and, consequently, of the objective law, since it was both parents who generated said violence between them, as well as towards the minor indirectly and there is disagreement regarding the physical violence since it is concluded that it did not cause injury but did affect it.
The present investigation analyzed Cassation Case No. 4184-2018, in order to determine whether there was an adequate assessment of the evidence presented throughout the process on family violence (physical and psychological abuse), initiated by A. P. B. E. against her former partner, F.D.L.M. In this regard, the Family Court ruled in favor of A. P. B. E., recognizing physical and psychological abuse, however it dismissed the crime of psychological violence towards her daughter. For this reason, A. P. B. E. appealed the sentence before the Superior Court, which declared that there was no physical or psychological abuse, pointing out that the conflicts were merely disagreements between parties. On the other hand, the dismissal of the crime of psychological violence towards his daughter was ratified. Given this, the appellant filed an appeal, which was rejected by the Supreme Court, confirming the ruling of the higher court. However, it should be noted that Judge Ordoñez Alcántara presented his dissenting vote, highlighting a lack of interpretation of objective law. In that sense, according to the doctrine and regulations analyzed, it is concluded that the Supreme Court made an incorrect assessment of the evidence and, consequently, of the objective law, since it was both parents who generated said violence between them, as well as towards the minor indirectly and there is disagreement regarding the physical violence since it is concluded that it did not cause injury but did affect it.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Tori Vargas, Denise María; Jaimes Blanco, Kelly Elizabeth
Register date: 11-Aug-2024
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