Bibliographic citations
Ortega, L., Escuel, H. (2024). Evaluación de ensayos no destructivos de esclerometría en los muros de contención de concreto armado de la progresiva 5+000 al 10+000 para garantizar la calidad y seguridad en el proyecto de mejora de la carretera Luricocha – Pacchancca [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Ortega, L., Escuel, H. Evaluación de ensayos no destructivos de esclerometría en los muros de contención de concreto armado de la progresiva 5+000 al 10+000 para garantizar la calidad y seguridad en el proyecto de mejora de la carretera Luricocha – Pacchancca [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Evaluación de ensayos no destructivos de esclerometría en los muros de contención de concreto armado de la progresiva 5+000 al 10+000 para garantizar la calidad y seguridad en el proyecto de mejora de la carretera Luricocha – Pacchancca",
author = "Escuel Jara, Harold Gregory",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This research focuses on the validation of non-destructive testing using a rebound hammer on reinforced concrete, aiming to ensure quality and safety in the improvement project of the Luricocha - Pacchancca road, located in Huanta - Ayacucho. The tests conducted on the project's retaining walls are thoroughly detailed, specifying the procedures and techniques employed. To evaluate the performance of the rebound hammer test on these structures, non-destructive tests were performed on 10 retaining walls located between kilometer markers 5+000 and 10+000, with different curing periods: 7, 14, and 28 days. Concurrently, destructive compression tests were conducted on cylindrical samples to establish a meticulous comparison between both methods. The research results indicate that non-destructive testing with a rebound hammer tends to provide higher strength readings. However, the average percentage variation between both methods remained consistent, indicating a strong positive correlation between the results of both types of tests. These findings validate the reliability and accuracy of the rebound hammer as a complementary tool in evaluating the strength of reinforced concrete. The consistency in the results suggests that, although the rebound hammer provides optimistic values, they are reliable and can be used with appropriate correction factors. This research significantly contributes to the improved understanding and confidence in evaluating reinforced concrete using non-destructive methods, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of their use in road improvement projects.
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