Bibliographic citations
Huamali, J., Villavicencio, J. (2024). Diseño de una arquitectura de servidores basada en hiperconvergencia para Volcan CIA Minera [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Huamali, J., Villavicencio, J. Diseño de una arquitectura de servidores basada en hiperconvergencia para Volcan CIA Minera [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Diseño de una arquitectura de servidores basada en hiperconvergencia para Volcan CIA Minera",
author = "Villavicencio Ttito, Johnny Americo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This professional sufficiency project focuses on developing a server architecture based on hyperconvergence for Volcan CIA Minera. The research begins with an analysis of the current infrastructure, which uses convergence technology, identifying the need to increase availability to ensure the continuity of TICA services in mining operations. The main objective is to optimize the IT server infrastructure in the company's computer centers, both technologically and operationally. With the implementation of the hyperconverged architecture, it was possible to increase redundancy and, consequently, the availability of critical IT services, reduce operating costs related to server leasing and simplify component management. The methodology used was Hyperconverged Systems for Mining (HSM), designed to align the hyperconverged architecture with the objectives and needs of the mining business. During the validation of the results, a significant improvement in availability was observed thanks to the hyperconverged design implemented, which raised the standard of TICA services and generated tangible value within the company. Production cost analyses were performed to quantify the benefits obtained through the improved availability facilitated by the hyper-converged architecture. In addition, the proposed solution enabled more efficient management of resources in internal mining processes, providing significant economic and operational benefits for Volcan CIA Minera.
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