Bibliographic citations
Mendo, M., Raez, S., Vidal (2024). Factores que promueven la adopción para la Inclusión Financiera: Caso de estudio de un modelo Fintech de la Billetera Digital Tarjeta W [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Mendo, M., Raez, S., Vidal Factores que promueven la adopción para la Inclusión Financiera: Caso de estudio de un modelo Fintech de la Billetera Digital Tarjeta W [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Factores que promueven la adopción para la Inclusión Financiera: Caso de estudio de un modelo Fintech de la Billetera Digital Tarjeta W",
author = "Vidal Vidal Carlos Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This research focuses on understanding the elements of financial inclusion in a Fintech model according to the case study of the digital wallet Tarjeta W. The analysis centers on the users of a digital wallet that provides benefits within a shopping mall and explores how a product such as Tarjeta W contributes to financial inclusion in the population of the sectors known as Lima Sur and Lima Norte of Metropolitan Lima. The characteristics of the population and its environment have an impact on the decision to use a digital wallet, in segments C and D of the districts of Lima Norte and Lima Sur. The adoption and motivations on the use of a digital wallet to access services and benefits influence financial inclusion, because citizens see in a digital wallet, a good proposal that generates benefits linked to their savings and financial access. The study concludes that the factors of the population, the perception of security, lack of adequate public spaces and the offerings of a shopping mall with access to unique benefits for belonging to a digital wallet, added to the behaviors and motivations of the people around them, such as family and friends, promote the interest in acquiring and using Tarjeta W, thus generating elements related to financial inclusion in our country.
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