Bibliographic citations
Rojas, R., Anci, N. (2023). La subjetividad del plazo de uso del nombre comercial y el riesgo de confusión marcaria [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Rojas, R., Anci, N. La subjetividad del plazo de uso del nombre comercial y el riesgo de confusión marcaria [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "La subjetividad del plazo de uso del nombre comercial y el riesgo de confusión marcaria",
author = "Anci Medina, Nixa Celeste",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This paper presents a legal analysis as a result of Resolution N°1688-2021/TPI-INDECOPI issued by the Specialized Chamber on Intellectual Property of INDECOPI. In that sense, it develops two legal figures of great importance within the Intellectual Property: the trade name and the trademark. On the one hand, on the trade name, the type of registration that distinguishes this distinctive sign, which is a declarative registration, is developed; for which reason, in order to understand this legal figure, the importance of the term at the time of proving its use is also explained. On the other hand, regarding the trademark, the type of registration that distinguishes it is detailed, being of a merely constitutive nature, i.e., from the registration one can have exclusive rights against the sign. Likewise, the risk of confusion between two trademarks of the same denomination is discussed based on a comparative examination. Finally, this paper, in addition to questioning the legal analysis of the Chamber, also proposes alternative solutions to the treatment of these two legal figures. Therefore, with respect to the trade name, it refers that the minimum term considered to prove its use is a subjective term and therefore a differentiated analysis must be made. However, regarding the determination of the likelihood of confusion between two trademarks, it is stated that, in the comparative examination of the elements of the sign, more importance should be given to the similarities than to their differences.
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