Bibliographic citations
Maza, I., Oscco, J. (2023). Impacto del uso de suelo en la escorrentía superficial del AA.HH. Pampas de Castilla del distrito Castilla, departamento Piura – Perú [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Maza, I., Oscco, J. Impacto del uso de suelo en la escorrentía superficial del AA.HH. Pampas de Castilla del distrito Castilla, departamento Piura – Perú [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Impacto del uso de suelo en la escorrentía superficial del AA.HH. Pampas de Castilla del distrito Castilla, departamento Piura – Perú",
author = "Oscco Bernardo, Jean Piere Alex",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This research focuses on the impact of land use change due to urbanization. The transformation of rural areas into urban areas results in imperviousness in several areas due to the construction of roads, sidewalks, single-family and multi-family dwellings, etc. This results in a decrease in the infiltration capacity of the soil and an increase in surface runoff. For this reason, an analysis is carried out in an area of urban expansion, in this case in the Pampas de Castilla Human Settlement located in the district of Castilla in Piura. The analysis of the study area is carried out in scenarios of the past (year 2005), present (year 2023) and future projection, whose zonings are Pre-Urban (PU), Medium Density Residential (RDM) and High Density Residential (RDA), respectively. The analysis used is the multivariate analysis, whose purpose is to compare the indicators of direct runoff, infiltration and runoff volume, through statistical tables and graphs. It is concluded that the volume of direct runoff increases over time, due to urban expansion in the study area; likewise, the infiltration capacity of the soil decreases, since in comparison of scenario III with scenario I, its capacity is lower by 22.87 mm. These events can cause flooding, excess water on paved surfaces and possible automobile accidents.
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