Bibliographic citations
Vasquez, E., Bazan, E. (2023). Propuesta de una guía técnica para mejorar la planificación en la etapa de diseño de estructuras en centros de salud a través de la metodología KANBAN con el uso de herramientas colaborativas [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Vasquez, E., Bazan, E. Propuesta de una guía técnica para mejorar la planificación en la etapa de diseño de estructuras en centros de salud a través de la metodología KANBAN con el uso de herramientas colaborativas [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Propuesta de una guía técnica para mejorar la planificación en la etapa de diseño de estructuras en centros de salud a través de la metodología KANBAN con el uso de herramientas colaborativas",
author = "Bazan Tapia, Esteffani",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Delays and cost overruns that occur during construction projects are recurring and high-impact problems for both the client and the executor. Among the main problematic causes and weak points are deficient technical files in construction projects and more precisely in the planning of the structure design stage. To do this, the analysis of the current situation of the aforementioned stage of three health centers is used where the work flow, times spent and performance were measured. Faced with this, it is necessary to have the development of a technical guide where the processes that are generated from the synergy of the Kanban methodology and the Trello Tool are determined in an orderly and sequenced manner as a proposed solution to improve planning in the planning stage. design in structures. In this way, the indications and recommendations are presented so that the interested party of this guide can ensure the successful application of the proposal. Finally, a validation was carried out through a judgment of experts in the area for both the theoretical part and the application part of the technical guide, where 80% of the experts surveyed consider the high performance and the minimization of times in the workflows. job. At the same time, 100% consider the solution proposal to be convenient, where it is evident that there is approval that the synergy of the Kanban methodology and the proposed Trello tool is viable and applicable.
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