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Durand, N., (2023). Centro comunitario de la zona sur del Callao, énfasis en la neuroarquitectura [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Durand, N., Centro comunitario de la zona sur del Callao, énfasis en la neuroarquitectura [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Centro comunitario de la zona sur del Callao, énfasis en la neuroarquitectura",
author = "Durand Lira, Noelia Rosa",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Title: Centro comunitario de la zona sur del Callao, énfasis en la neuroarquitectura
Other Titles: Community center in the southern area of Callao, emphasis on neuroarchitecture
Authors(s): Durand Lira, Noelia Rosa
Advisor(s): Grande Ramal, Gabriel
Keywords: Centro comunitario; Equipamiento cultural; Educación; Punto social; Community center; Cultural equipment; Education; Social point
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 30-Jan-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: Mi proyecto de tesis es un Centro comunitario en la zona sur en el distrito del Callao, en la provincia de Callao. El proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación de espacios recreativos, educativos, públicos y equipamientos urbanos para lograr el mejor desarrollo de la vida cotidiana de la comunidad vulnerable de la zona, como también el encuentro social, generando el uso del centro y las áreas recreativas y culturales ofrecidas para tener el flujo de actividad que regeneran el entorno. Se plantea un diseño de un proyecto arquitectónico de carácter comunitario y educativo enfocado en los jóvenes afectados, de administración municipal y por organizaciones no gubernamentales. Cuyo énfasis es otorgar una infraestructura escasa en la forma educativa actual.
My thesis project is a Community Center in the South Zone in the district of Callao, in the province of Callao. The project aims to create recreational, educational, public spaces and urban facilities to achieve the best development of the daily life of the vulnerable community in the area, as well as social gathering, generating the use of the center and recreational areas and cultural offered to have the flow of activity that regenerates the environment. A design is proposed for an architectural project of a community and educational nature focused on the young people affected, by municipal administration and by non-governmental organizations. Whose emphasis is to provide a scarce infrastructure in the current educational form.
My thesis project is a Community Center in the South Zone in the district of Callao, in the province of Callao. The project aims to create recreational, educational, public spaces and urban facilities to achieve the best development of the daily life of the vulnerable community in the area, as well as social gathering, generating the use of the center and recreational areas and cultural offered to have the flow of activity that regenerates the environment. A design is proposed for an architectural project of a community and educational nature focused on the young people affected, by municipal administration and by non-governmental organizations. Whose emphasis is to provide a scarce infrastructure in the current educational form.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Juror: Cruchaga Belaunde, Miguel; Juscamaita Garcia, Jaime; Olortegui Del Castillo, Tanith
Register date: 31-Aug-2023
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