Bibliographic citations
Meza, S., Valdivia, M. (2022). Asociación entre el rechazo del uso de flúor tópico y las creencias en salud oral en padres de niños entre 6 a 14 años de Lima, Perú en el año 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Meza, S., Valdivia, M. Asociación entre el rechazo del uso de flúor tópico y las creencias en salud oral en padres de niños entre 6 a 14 años de Lima, Perú en el año 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Asociación entre el rechazo del uso de flúor tópico y las creencias en salud oral en padres de niños entre 6 a 14 años de Lima, Perú en el año 2020",
author = "Valdivia Peceros, María Fernanda",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Objective: To associate the rejection of the use of topical fluoride and beliefs in oral health in parents of children between 6 and 14 years of age from Lima, Peru. Materials and methods: This study is observational, cross-sectional and analytical. 362 parents were evaluated. For the topical fluoride rejection variable, a self-report question from the questionnaire of a previous Chi study was used, and for oral health beliefs, the Nakazono Health Beliefs instrument in its validated version in Spanish (Cronbach's Alpha 0.9). The Chi square test was used to compare the categorical variables, and the T-student and U Mann-Whitney tests for the numerical variables (age of the son and of the father, respectively). For the association of the variables, the prevalence ratios were calculated using Poisson regression with robust variance. Results: 37.1% of parents rejected the use of topical fluoride and 36.2% had unfavorable beliefs. It was observed that there is no association between these variables. Conclusions: No association was found between rejection of topical fluoride and parents' oral health beliefs. Currently, it is of the utmost importance to identify parents who have such attitudes to develop clinical and community strategies in order to make optimal decisions for preventive dental care for their children.
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