Bibliographic citations
Salazar, S., (2021). La experiencia del acceso cinematográfico para personas con discapacidad visual en el mercado peruano [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Salazar, S., La experiencia del acceso cinematográfico para personas con discapacidad visual en el mercado peruano [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "La experiencia del acceso cinematográfico para personas con discapacidad visual en el mercado peruano",
author = "Salazar Peña, Sebastian Alexander",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Today we live in such a globalized world that the transmediality and immediacy of access to information makes social inclusion a highly relevant issue of interest. This, due to the constant need to coexist with information not only in a sense, as the word rightly says, informative, but also cultural and even entertainment (López & Ramírez, 2017). From this context, it follows directly that the word "equality" monopolizes so many spaces of conversation in various areas, among these, the recognition of the rights of women and children. However, it is also important to recognize an area that is neglected and needs to be a matter of public interest: accessibility for people with visual impairment. This research aims to investigate the experience of cinema access for people with visual impairment. To this end, it will identify and reflect on some solutions and experiences of accessibility for the consumption of films by visually impaired people in Peru, Latin America, and Europe. It will also seek to identify the Peruvian legislative framework that regulates access to cinema in terms of accessibility. Finally, an experience of accessibility to the alternative basic study group and reinforcement of the REHABILITATION CENTER FOR THE BLIND OF LIMA will be carried out using the audio description technique and the focus group instrument. The objective is to identify the accessibility experience of the participants.
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