Bibliographic citations
Chunga, A., Condori, F. (2021). Bilingüismo y representación de la identidad mexicoestadounidense en la versión original y el doblaje al francés de la serie Gentefied (2020) [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Chunga, A., Condori, F. Bilingüismo y representación de la identidad mexicoestadounidense en la versión original y el doblaje al francés de la serie Gentefied (2020) [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Bilingüismo y representación de la identidad mexicoestadounidense en la versión original y el doblaje al francés de la serie Gentefied (2020)",
author = "Condori Belli, Frescia Denisse",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
The presence of two or more languages in audiovisual texts symbolizes an intercultural encounter between social and cultural realities. Likewise, in audiovisual products, multilingualism has been considered a linguistic and social phenomenon that constitutes a central part in the narrative of the plot due to identity or distinctive reasons. In the context of the series, bilingualism constitutes a representative identity trait of the Mexican-American community settled in the United States. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the translation of English-Spanish bilingualism and its impact on the representation of Mexican-American identity in the French dubbing of the series Gentefied (2020). The research is a case study as it seeks to explain and analyze the linguistic phenomenon and identity representation portrayed in the series. For this purpose, we will resort to data collection techniques such as content analysis and contrastive textual analysis. The former will allow the identification of the units of analysis of the source text in Spanglish that show representative traits of the characters; and the second, the contrast between them and the units of analysis of the target text in Frañol.
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