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Bravo, S., (2021). Museo de Arte Contemporáneo en el Centro Histórico de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Bravo, S., Museo de Arte Contemporáneo en el Centro Histórico de Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Museo de Arte Contemporáneo en el Centro Histórico de Lima",
author = "Bravo Carrión, Sebastian",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Título: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo en el Centro Histórico de Lima
Otros títulos: Museum of Contemporary Art
Autor(es): Bravo Carrión, Sebastian
Asesor(es): Doblado Tosio, Juan Carlos
Palabras clave: Artes visuales; Riqueza cultural; Entorno urbano; Estilos arquitectónicos; Arquitectura contemporánea; Visual arts; Cultural wealth; Urban environment; Architectural styles; Contemporary architecture
Campo OCDE:;
Fecha de publicación: 22-abr-2021
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: Un Museo de Arte Contemporáneo es aquel que ofrece colecciones de pintura, escultura, dibujos, grabados; conocidos como bellas artes; y también nuevas técnicas como la instalación, el performance, el video art, la fotografía o el arte sonoro; que en conjunto se llaman artes visuales.
En el Perú existen 6 museos que difunden el arte contemporáneo, siendo todos de administración privada y el principal representante en Lima el MAC, ubicado en el distrito de Barranco. Sin embargo, dicha institución no tiene un alcance metropolitano debido a su ubicación foránea. A esto se le añade que está en un terreno concedido por 30 años por parte de la municipalidad distrital a cambio de su futura administración y que su colección se basa en donaciones privadas o préstamos por parte del Ministerio de Cultura. Esto nos refleja la ausencia que tiene el estado peruano con respecto al arte contemporáneo siendo el Perú uno de los países con mayor riqueza cultural en el mundo.
El proyecto se desarrolla en el Centro Histórico de Lima, donde se encuentra el 50% de todos los museos de la capital convirtiendo a la zona en un gran foco cultural. El museo se sitúa en un entorno urbano importante donde convergen edificios de diferentes estilos arquitectónicos correspondientes a distintas épocas y busca sumarse a ellos a través de una arquitectura contemporánea que responda a las características del lugar integrando alineamientos, alturas, formas, ritmos y materiales; ya que a pesar de la peculiaridad de cada edificio logran entenderse en conjunto.
A Museum of Contemporary Art is one that offers collections of painting, sculpture, drawings, and engravings; known as fine arts; and also new techniques such as installation, performance, video art, photography or sound art; which together are called visual arts. In Peru, there are six museums that spread contemporary art, all of which are private managed and the main representative in Lima is the MAC, located in the district of Barranco. However, this institution does not have a metropolitan scope due to its remote location. To this is added that the district municipality in exchange for its future administration on land grants it for 30 years and that its collection is based on private donations or loans from the Ministry of Culture. This reflects the absence of the Peruvian state with respect to contemporary art, Peru being one of the countries with the greatest cultural wealth in the world. The project takes place in the Historic Center of Lima, where 50% of all the museums in the capital are located, making the area a great cultural focus. The museum is located in an important urban environment where buildings of different architectural styles corresponding to different periods converge and seeks to join them through contemporary architecture that responds to the characteristics of the place by integrating alignments, heights, shapes, rhythms and materials; since despite the peculiarity of each building they manage to understand each other together.
A Museum of Contemporary Art is one that offers collections of painting, sculpture, drawings, and engravings; known as fine arts; and also new techniques such as installation, performance, video art, photography or sound art; which together are called visual arts. In Peru, there are six museums that spread contemporary art, all of which are private managed and the main representative in Lima is the MAC, located in the district of Barranco. However, this institution does not have a metropolitan scope due to its remote location. To this is added that the district municipality in exchange for its future administration on land grants it for 30 years and that its collection is based on private donations or loans from the Ministry of Culture. This reflects the absence of the Peruvian state with respect to contemporary art, Peru being one of the countries with the greatest cultural wealth in the world. The project takes place in the Historic Center of Lima, where 50% of all the museums in the capital are located, making the area a great cultural focus. The museum is located in an important urban environment where buildings of different architectural styles corresponding to different periods converge and seeks to join them through contemporary architecture that responds to the characteristics of the place by integrating alignments, heights, shapes, rhythms and materials; since despite the peculiarity of each building they manage to understand each other together.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Arquitectura
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grado o título: Arquitecto
Fecha de registro: 5-jul-2021
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